Sunday 8 March 2015

Need a breath of fresh air

There are times when I have mixed feelings. Its not that I struggle with them, rather I long to know and put into practice how to put the knowledge and faith I have been given into action on a day to day basis. I I am so thankful, for the understanding I internalized from my upbringing in the basics of faith, for the beauty in liturgy, the stirring in my heart from a moving song, as well as sitting under the teaching of gifted teachers, but also thankful for people in my life that through their lives urged me to question the status quo, and want to see and be more for the betterment of all I look at the life of a servant like Mother Theresa who made a point looking to make the lives of others better with no earthly gain for herself as a goal. We in the west have been given much, MUCH! What are we doing with that much? I know we all have different giftings in regards to giving, but really, if we were all to take the teachings of Christ seriously, would there be loneliness, hunger , poverty, inequality on the scale that we see now? And its not about getting a good bang for the buck in regards to giving…..Jesus came and gave His all knowing that there would be those that wouldn’t want anything to do with His giving of His all. He did it anyways! As a whole we seem more interested in seeing a good return, and maybe even some of that “not in my backyard “ kinda thinking. Think of the hymn “Breath on me breath of God”, and hear the words “Fill me with life anew, that I may love what that thou dost love, and do what thou wouldst do” God loves everyone, and everything, and He wants nothing more than seeing everyone and everything be redeemed Something to think about How am I conducting my life, not just the visible parts of it? Is my life syncing with life of Jesus? He came to be a servant , am I reflecting His life, everywhere I go, in all that I do?