Wednesday 18 February 2015


Do you ever feel guilty about living in western world ? Where we (in general) have enough. I know we hear about this all the time, and sometimes I feel like The author of Ecclesiastes in that everything is meaningless . Chasing after the dream....but do we think to much? What if we took Jesus at His word and just lived what he espoused? He said to love God and our neighbour as ourselves. That has pretty big implications to our lifestyles. What if we all took those words literally and did what He did  to make others lives better in all aspects. I know we all take certain scriptures to live by, and we all have different giftings , but ultimately Jesus became a man, lived as one of us to ( in the way I read it) do stuff that drew attention to the kingdom of God in this world , praying and trusting that God is doing His part bringing more people to himself.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Here goes

It is said that there's nothing new under the sun. So if that's the case , why do we as the human race…. as individuals continue to do the same things? Sure, it looks different than 100 or 1000 years ago (even to the beginning of time) because of how we have progressed, but our world still suffers with greed, hatred and all the by-products of these actions. And they are actions, because they are choices that are made. I don't want to presume that I have all the answers, nor do I want to imply that others are wrong, but what I hope to do in this blog is join in the conversation of life, and talk about things that matter, why they matter and where we can go from there....spur each other on to be the difference, to point towards purpose and hope .